Bezpieczna podróż samochodem z dzieckiem
Travel safety is an important aspect of moving by any means of transportation. When driving your own car, the responsibility for ensuring the safety of passengers falls on the driver.
Polish law requires drivers to carry children in car seats, fastened with seat belts. The child is thus immobilized and cannot move freely around the car, thus increasing its safety in the event of sudden braking or even a bump.
In addition, a parent or guardian transporting a child in a car seat can calmly focus on the driving itself, without having to keep an eye on the child, admonishing him not to squirm, etc. Thus, the seat is an essential solution for increasing the safety of those traveling in a vehicle by immobilizing the child and relieving the burden on the driver, increasing his focus and driving comfort.
However, in order for a car seat to fulfill its role, it must be well matched to the weight and height of the child – it must be neither too tight nor too big. The regulation says that a car seat must be used to carry children up to the age of 12 or reach a height of 150 cm.
A responsible parent does not give up on the car seat even on short trips, because an accident or a bump can happen anywhere, even on a residential road it is sometimes necessary to brake sharply, and this can be dangerous for a child who is not in a car seat, not to mention an unfastened seat belt. We can also never be sure who will be in our way, and what might happen in the immediate area.
Matching the right car seat to your child’s needs should not be a problem. The offer on the market is very diverse, and it is possible to find a model that meets our expectations in terms of build quality, aesthetics and safety. In general, we have a choice of car seats in 5 weight categories: 0-10 kg,0-13 kg,9-18 kg, 15-25 kg, 22-36 kg.
When going shopping, you need to take your child with you, weigh and measure him or her early on to make it easier to fit the right model. Of course, it is also worthwhile to consult with the seller, who has experience and knowledge, so he will certainly provide expert assistance. „Trying on” a child in a car seat is essential for it to perform its role properly.
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