Jak poradzić sobie z rozstaniem?
Separation after a long relationship is not easy and can be very bad for one’s well-being. However, there are times when two people can no longer continue to be with each other and their separation is the only way out. How to cope with such a difficult experience?
Making the decision to break up is never easy. However, in certain situations, two people simply can no longer continue to be together and going their own way in life seems to be the only reasonable solution. Then it is best to seek support from loved ones and friends. Sometimes it is hard to walk away from someone you loved very much and with whom you shared wonderful memories. It requires a lot of courage, determination and resolve. It is also sometimes the only reasonable way out.
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ToggleUsually people who part with a loved one suffer. Especially after a long relationship, the suffering is sometimes more acute. However, there is no point in persisting in a failed relationship, which for some reason can adversely affect us. However, it is worth allowing ourselves to suffer a little. A few days of sadness, crying and embitterment will allow us to give vent to negative emotions and make room for new ones.
After a breakup, we should not live in guilt. The best thing to do is to close a chapter of your life, separate it with a thick line and accept that it is in the past. For many people, this can sometimes be one of the most difficult tasks they face. However, according to psychologists, this is the only way to come to terms with the past and fully start a new life. Coming to terms with the fact and moving on will allow us not to return to what was, not to relive the bitterness many times and not to compare subsequent relationships or partners to the one in the past.
Breaking up after a long-term relationship is difficult. We end up with a lot of habits, and longing makes it difficult to cut off the past. One of the blocking aspects of a breakup is the need to stay in touch with a former partner or partner. That’s why you should let go of any form of communication – cut yourself off at least for a while. Calling or writing to an ex-partner still keeps us in the relationship – even if we write to describe our grief, resentment or simply to get into an argument. After all, this too is a form of contact. However, allow yourself to experience emotions, don’t cut yourself off from them – don’t run away. Allowing yourself to be emotional is an important aspect of a breakup – don’t try to suppress your tears, everyone has to go through their own form of mourning. Some people tend to enter another relationship, right after the previous one, to drown out difficult emotions or fear of loneliness. But a breakup requires us to be alone, to face ourselves, to wean ourselves from being with the other person, to allow ourselves to feel ourselves. It’s a bit like learning yourself from scratch – creating a new daily life. Focus on yourself, on what you like, and what you may have denied yourself or denied yourself so far. Get to know yourself anew – take care of yourself, take care of yourself. The end of a relationship with another person, is often a chance to create a better relationship with yourself.
In particular, a relationship that lasted a long time makes us suddenly unable to find our way in life without a partner. Activities that used to be done by two now have to be done alone. Places you used to go when you were two now have to visit alone. There will still be memories and various situations that will be associated with this special time, but you will have to deal with it. For many people, after a breakup, this loneliness seems unbearable. However, friendships, closeness and support can help. Then it may turn out that we are not completely alone, and in situations that are most difficult for us, someone completely different can support us.
After the end of a relationship that lasted a really long time, it is important to find a new purpose for yourself as soon as possible. It doesn’t have to be a new relationship right away. It is enough to find an interesting hobby, start reading books, go to the gym or look for an additional job. Any way can be great, as long as it allows us to reorganize our lives and start all over again. If it takes up our time, it will certainly also take up our thoughts and prevent us from lamenting for too long the loneliness and difficult situation we find ourselves in.
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